Platelet-Rich Plasma is a method of using the growth factors in your own blood to promote collagen, growth and renewal in your skin
Your blood platelet cells are essential for blood clotting and repair of injured tissue. In the ordinary course of events, once clots have formed platelets break open to release seven growth factors all contributing to the task of wound repair.
In Platelet Rich Plasma treatments we use your own platelets and their growth factors to stimulate skin strength instead
Generally we need you for up to 60 minutes.
Blood is drawn from the front of your elbow.
At other clinics they may take as little as 10ml or 15 ml for their PRP treatments, but we think such a small volume can be hardly effective.
we take 75ml, which is as much as we can fit in the centrifuge.
Which we do, after adding an anticoagulant.
Once the blood has been centrifuged adequately we remove the blood tubes from the centrifuge and pipette off the platelet rich plasma (PRP).
The PRP is then ready for injection.
In our practice we have a lot of treatments we can use to improve a face, but fewer that help your neck.
So while we *can*, and often do, use PRP as part of a facial treatment, we *more* often use PRP to improve your *neck*.
Via a small number of carefully-placed needle holes we spread the PRP under the neck skin using s blunt-tipped 25G cannula.
The neck then looks full, but otherwise OK. Some bruising might occur but is generally minimal.
We also regularly use PRP to help improve skin on the back of hands, again using a blunt-tipped 25G cannula
Hair loss can be really troubling in anyone, but especially in women.
There's no simple, sure-fire way to regrow head (scalp) hair, but a range of different treatments each help to contribute to regrowing hair.
Several of these treatments involve prescription medication, but an exciting non-prescription treatment is PRP into the scalp.
Results naturally vary. and reducing further loss is more easily achieved than significant regrowth, but some patients experience substantial regrowth and are over the moon as a result.
We can but try.
Peach Cosmetic Medicine